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Tell me what heaven is like - Revelation chapter 22  

The book of Revelation has as it's supreme goal the drawing of our hearts to the person of Christ, to find our delight, our joy and satisfaction in Him. It was that moving away from Christ as our first love that caused the problems at Ephesus in Revelation chapter 2 and it is this void which the book of Revelation fills. In drawing me to Christ as living water and the tree of life, we gain a glimpse of the place where Christ is, that is heaven. Having concluded our studies in the book of Revelation perhaps we will be left with a flavour of Christ, a thirst for Him and a glimpse of heaven as home, as destiny and as eternal reward. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Revelation chapter 22 - The Surprising End to Revelation, 3 words of encouragement - JS Gillespie  


The final chapter of the final book of the Bible, Revelation concludes with 3 final challanges. In summing up Revelation is ultimately a book of encouragement and challenge and not purely a book of prophetic events yet to be fulfilled. On 3 separate occasions the Lord Jesus concludes with " behold I come quickly." On each of these 3 occasions there follows a practical exhortation for us to appreciate and apply 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie Systematic studies in Revelation.

I am Alpha and Omega - The Problem of Revelation! - Revelation chapter 22 vs 13 - JS Gillespie  

Why was the book of Revelation written? All of the New Testamant letters were written to address some kind of problem or crises in the church, so what crises did the book of Revelation address? The apocalypse opens with an address to the 7 churches of asia minor. These 7 churches represent 7 distinct problems faced by these churches. It is possible to discern not only problems bit a pattern. The problems begin logically with Ephesus having left her first love. This creates a spiritual vacuum which draws in the world and false religion at Pergamos, false teachers and false teaching in Thyatira until ultimately we arrive at Laodicea. In Laodicea we have not left our first love, the Lord Jesus, rather we have positively locked Him out! He is on the outside of the church! This church is to busy and popular for His presence! The great need of the church and for individual believers is a living and vital union and communion with Jesus Christ! He is the Alpha and the Omega. Jesus Christ is present at the beginning and at the end. Jesus Christ is the cause fo the beginning and the end as the arche and telos. Jesus Christ thus reveals history from beginning to end! It is easy to forget that the essence of Christianity is our relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie From a systematic study of the book of Revelation.