Every Sunday @ 3 pm 

Every Tuesday @ 7.30 pm

@ Bridgend Hall, New Cumnock, KA18 4BA 

All welcome 

New messages this week:

From the Church in New Cumnock 

@ Bridgend Gospel Hall 


Ephesians- our latest bible teaching series

The Walk that becomes Worship - Ephesians chp 5 vs 1 to 2 - JS Gillespie  


Every Christian life is a fire that is lit, whose flames ascend to heaven with fragrance of a life lived to God's Glory! This Christian walk which becomes worship imputes lasting meaning to our life below. Like Anna who served in the temple for 84 years or Mary who poured out her fragrant sacrifice upon Christ or Enoch who walked with God and who was not because God took him, our lives too can be a fragrance from a flame that burns wholly to the Lord! Ephesians chapter 5 bible teaching from the Bridgend Gospel Hall, New Cumnock, Dr J Stewart Gillespie

From the church in New Cumnock @ Bridgend Gospel Hall