New messages this week:

From the Church in New Cumnock 

@ Bridgend Gospel Hall 


Ephesians- our latest bible teaching series

Ephesians chp 3 vs 1 to 11 - When the Prison becomes a Treasure House - JS Gillespie  

Paul, imprisoned in Ephesians chapter 3 recognises the sovereign power of Christ over that prison and discovers the Saviour in that prison! This section of Ephesians chapter 3 begins with prison and ends with purpose! There is purpose in the prison! Purpose for Joseph, Daniel, Onesimus, Silas and Paul. From that prison pours the unsearchable riches of Christ, an appreciation of the dispensations of God's Grace and of the mysteries of the New Testament, 14 in number, 2 great mysteries and 1 mystery of a great thing. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

From the church in New Cumnock @ Bridgend Gospel Hall