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Ephesians chp 2 vs 11 to 22 - Dont Just go to Church be the Church - JS Gillespie   

Ephesians chapter 2 is a call first to reflection and to remember. Remember what once you were, dead in trespasses and sins, what you now are, raised up with Jesus Christ in the heavenly places and ask the question; so what? Does this make a difference to my life?

In Ephesians chapter 2 we see that the Christian enjoys 4 great spiritual privelages and blessings: 

1 - Peace with God 

This peace is both verticle; between the Christian and God and horizontal, between believers. We see a picture of this peace in the peac offering of Leviticus chapter 3 with the removal of the diaphragm or caul above teh kidneys. 


2 - Privelage of prayer 

This access to God by His Holy Spirit can be and is manifested in at least 5 distinct forms of prayer:

  1. Thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6)
  2. Worship (Hebrews 13:15)
  3. Intercession (Romans 8:26)
  4. Supplication (Philippians 4:6)
  5. Confession (1 John 1:9)

Here is a challenge to enjoy the blessings and privelages God has for us in Christ. 

3 - Place in God's church, as believers we are not expected simpy to ‘go to church’ nor simply to be part of the congregation, but rather to be part of the concrete, an integral component of the church which He is building! 

4 - Presence and reality of God in His church and amongst His people.

Systematic teaching from the letter to the Ephesians 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

26th March 2024

A Little Touch of Heaven - Ephesians chapter 2 verses 5 to 10 - Dr J Stewart Gillespie  


So what is the Christian life all about? 

  • Evangelism?
  • Service?
  • Worship?
  • Testimony?
  • Fellowship with Christ?
  • Raising a family in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?
  • Playing our part in the Church?

The list could go on and grows the more we think about it! Ephesians chapter 2 helps to point us to a summary of the content and purpose of the Christian life in the proverbial nutshell! The Christian is lives out his life in 2 spheres; and in the experience of two relationships, he is both in touch with and in fellowship with Jesus Christ in heaven (Ephesians 2:6), seated and enjoying that living relationship with Christ and he is similtaneously walking amongst men on earth (Ephesians 2:10). Here is a soul once “dead in trespasses and sins” and now “alive in Christ”! This is same soul who was dead and alienated from the l life of God (Acts 3:5); who rejected the light of God (John 1:5); the love of God (John 3:16) and the language of God (John 8:43) but who now lives out his live in love (Ephesians 3:19), light (Ephesians 5:8); life (Ephesians 2:5) and enjoying the language of heaven (Ephesians 1:13)! This saved and regenerated soul has been let loose in a dark, cold, world of empty despair. It is against the deep darkness that is the night of this world that the glorious light of the gospel and of those who belong to Christ shines the most brightly. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

But God - Ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 - JS Gillespie  

It was an appreciation of "but God" that delivered Joseph from despair, 'but God meant it for good,' that rescued and guided Israel from the wilderness 'But God' would lead His people, it was resting in 'but God' that saved David from weakness, when his strength failed but God was the strength of his heart, it was resting on 'But God' that would redeem David from the grave and all of my hopes for heaven and salvation depend upon the 'but God' who commends His love towards us that whilst we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie Bible Teaching from Ephesians 

Dead in Trespasses and Sins - Ephesians chapter 2 vs 1 to 3  

Dead in trespasses and sins, what we were before Christ saved us, dieing with a 'hole in my soul, it's a real big place,' crying that we want to 'feel real love and the life ever after.' Separated from the life of God, the light of God, the love of God and the language of God. I was dead! 

From the languishing of the dieing man comes the flesh, the remnant desires corrupted in quantity and quality! Perversion and corruption motivate the dieing man trapped in the Adamic fall, seeking desperately to feel alive, just to feel anything! God's grace in Christ reaches down, saves and lifts me to be seated together with Christ in heavenly places. Just as Moses moved up mount Sinai into the cloud of God's presence, the Christian has a higher and more glorious experience than the world can ever provide, alive, raised up and seated with Jesus in heavenly places!

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Ephesians Chapter 2 Vs 11 to 17 - He is our Peace - J Stewart Gillespie  

Afraid to live? 
Afraid to die? 
We have the answer. “He is our peace.” 

Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11: 
“Remember,” – Good to remember, “the hole of the pit whence ye are digged,” (Isa51:1). 

This is of course not so much remembering our sin! Rather remember the “mercy” (v4), “love” (v4) and “grace” (v5,8) of God. 

“The humility which springs from the removal of our sins must ever be deeper than that which springs from the discovery of them. The former connects us with God: the latter has to do with self.” (CH Mackintosh p313) 

Sometimes we might be tempted to think that now we’re saved, we’ve something to glory in, but all we are is what Christ has made us (2:8,10) 

“Gentiles,” & “Circumcision,” is “in the flesh.” 

This DIVISION of humanity is at the level of the FLESH. (2:11-17) 
The new and eternal DIVISION of humanity is at the level of the SPIRIT. (2:1-10) 
1. Those who are DEAD – Spiritually (v1-3) 
2. Those who are ALIVE in Christ – Spiritually (v5-10) 

Reconciliation therefore must also be at the level of FLESH (v15) 
“Flesh,” - Sometimes used of muscle tissue; It is used in this way in the last mention of, “flesh,” in NT (Rev19:21). 
More often in the Bible the idea od the flesh is used of the “fallen human nature,” eg when speaking of the “Works of the flesh,” (Gal5:19), cf Eph2:13 

Flesh can also be used in the sense of a “living humanity,” John 1:14, Hebrews 5:7, Ephesians 5:30, the word ‘flesh’ is used in this sense here. 

Note the 5 fold condition, mainly relative to the flesh: 

“Without Christ,” – refers to the Messianic hope in the context, cf. Romans 9:5 “The God of Hope,” (Rom15:13). “Without God,” thus, “no hope,” 

“Christless, stateless, friendless, hopeless & Godless.” (W. Hendricksen) 

“No Hope,” A deep source of problems and of despair in our society. A deep seated problem underpinning spiraling suicide rates amongst the young, drug addiction, and alcohol abuse. Do we have a genuine care and thought for others? If so ought not this to spur us onto evangelism? 

Position (v13) 
“But now,” – The turning point of Division at the level of the Flesh 
cf. 2:4 – Turning point of Division, at the level of the Spirit. 
Position – “in Christ Jesus,” 
Reconciliation: Notice the Sphere of Reconciliation (v14-15) 

“in His flesh” & “in Himself” (v15) 

“He is our peace,” – Peace in a person, compare John 20:19, Isaiah 9:6 

PEACE with God & PEACE with one another this is OBJECTIVE PEACE 
There is also the personal experience of that peace consider the illustration of this in Mark 4:35,39,5:1 

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still,” (Mark 4:39) : This is a SUBJECTIVE PEACE. 

When Christ presents redeemed humanity to God, doesn’t present a humanity that is divided. Chris presents a united humanity to God. 
It is significant that it was at the level of the flesh there was division (2:11). 

Thus division is put away at the LEVEL OF THE FLESH (2:15). 
Consider also the division at the LEVEL OF THE SPIRIT (2:5). 

“Flesh”(v15), significant choice of words. Not just the death of Christ, as indicated by, “Body,” or “Blood,” but indicates the life of Christ (John1:14, Hebrews 5:7, Ephesians 5:30), given in death (Romans 7:4), to abolish the law, but continuing on as a new humanity (2:15). Cf. Luke 24:39. 

“These ordinances had their sphere of action in the flesh. But Christ (as living in connection with all that), being dead, has abolished the enmity to form in Himself of the two – Jew and Gentile – one new man…” (JND) 

Consider the Peace Offering of Leviticus chapter 3: 

Peace that on the basis of shed blood (Leviticus 3:8) 
Peace that was on the basis of a sacrifice (Leviticus 3:6) 

In the peace offering we note that God and the Priest and the offerer all having a portion (Leviticus chp7). This is a unique scenario in the law of the offerings! 

We are able to describe a procedure characteristic of the Peace Offering, found also in the Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:9), but only as the sin offering relates back to the Peace Offering (Leviticus 4:10). 
This procedure is performed upon the sacrificial animal. We note that in the Peace Offering that the priest is always to be careful to remove, “The caul above the liver,” (Leviticus 3:4,10,15). 

There is only one organ that is above the liver & kidneys; that is the DIAPHRAGM 
The priest was always careful to take the animal, to remove the diaphragm, the organ that divided the animal in 2 parts, chest and abdomen, “the middle wall of partition,” and to make, “both one.” The New Testament believer would understand this. 
There was to be no division in the peace offering. 
What Christ has made, we keep. 
“in His flesh” & “in Himself” (v15) - the Sphere of Reconciliation 
Saved Jew & Saved gentile both in Christ; brought together with that dividing wall between them taken down forever as it was in the peace offering, both are now part of a New Humanity in Christ. 

The Means of Reconciliation (v16) 

“By the Cross,” – The Means cf. “In his flesh,” (v15) – The Sphere 

“The Cross,” – Put away the law, which prevented Jew & Gentile coming together, (Rom7:4) 

“The Cross,” – Put away sin, which prevented Jew & Gentile coming to God, (Heb9:26) 

Bible teaching from Paul's letter to the Ephesians chapter 2. "He is our Peace". A message from our systematic bible study in the Ephesian epistle. Join us as we preach and study through the letter to the Ephesians, in this expository verse by verse Bible Teaching series. Yours by Grace in Christ, Dr J Stewart Gillespie.



Ephesians Chapter 2 Vs 1 to 10 - The Doctrinal Basis of Sanctification - J Stewart Gillespie  

The Doctrinal Basis of Sanctification 

Ephesians chapter 2 is the middle of the doctrinal section in Ephesians 
Chapters 1 to 3 – Lays the foundation of the doctrinal basis for Chapters 4 through to 6 of Ephesians. 
We see the development of the doctrine of sanctification in the Ephesian epsitel in both negative and positive terms: 4:1, 17; 4:22, 24; 5:18 
Paul lays the foundation for sanctification in this section here (2:1-10) 
There are 2 fundamental errors which will undermine your sanctification: 
1. An elevated appreciation of the world: A world which seems to the Christian so appealing, a place it would seem of unimagined possibilities, adventure, excitement, riches, pleasure 
2. An impoverished appreciation of Christ: What we have in the Lord Jesus seems hardly worth holding onto, let alone sacrificing anything for. 
The second of these two errors is usually the greater and more fundamental of the two! Perhaps the illustration of the strength and sanctity of a marriage bond is relevant here. A married couple stay together, not so much because everyone else becomes ugly to them but rather because they appreciate and value supremely what they have in one another. 
There are two ways you can preach sanctification: 
1. We could attempt to preach believers away from the world, exposing it for what it is. 
2. Preach & present Christ, what we have & can find in Him. 
Paul does both: 
1. What We Were in the World: Dead in Sins: Condemnation (v1-3) 
2. What We Have in Christ: Alive in Christ: Transformation (v4-10) 

What We Were in the World: Dead in Sins: Condemnation (v1-3) 
There are 3 great powers or influences that controlled our pre-conversion self: 
1. The World (v2) 
2. The Devil (v2) 
3. The Flesh (v3) 
The World (v2) – “the age of this world,” – an unusual phrase. This would indicate everything that characterizes this present age: 
• In the secular sphere of the world – Repudiating God 
• In the moral sphere of the world – Amoral – Repudiating Absolutes 
• In the physical sphere of the world – it is Materialistic – Glorifying money & possessions 

The Devil (v2): “The prince of the power of the air.” Paul chooses his title for Satan carefully, relates him to the earth, “air,” – used by Greeks to refer to lower atmosphere, between earth & moon, surrounding the earth.The REPRESSIVE, MALEVOLENT influence of Satan. 
The authorised text omits an “of,” at the beginning of this phrase in verse 2 – “of the spirit that now worketh,” – A Greek genitive. It is that spirit, which brings a pervading influence of evil in, “the children of disobedience,” 
Perhaps here we are able to perceive the all pervasive influence and atmosphere of Satan in the world! 
We recall at Ephesus the world and the entertainment it provided in the amphitheatre (Acts19:29), the world & its commerce seen in the silver shrines (Acts19:27) and the world & its religion; that of the great Temple of Diana of Ephesians. None of these secular influence were of positive spiritual value to a genuine believer; in fact they actively opposed and distracted from the Lord Jesus Christ! God sees all of this activity as under the influence of Satan! 
We have perhaps heard the question, what harm is in it? Perhaps we must first perceive, as the apostle does here in Ephesians chapter 2 that in examining the anatomy and structure of this world we discover that Satan is in it!! 
For the Christian the question often arises as to where to draw the line? Perhaps the correct answer is the one that many are most reluctant to apply in practice: ‘As far away from this world as possible!” 
Jim Elliot: “We cannot have both heaven and earth for our part & as our portion, a wise man chooses that which lasts the longest.” 

We notice that there were three features that characterised us in our pre conversion days: 
1. Death (v1) 
2. Disobedience (v2) 
3. Desires of the flesh (v3) 
We were spiritually dead in: “Trespasses,” – Broken Laws – Sins of commission and in “Sins,” – Missed Standards – Sins of omission 
That’s the mess, that’s what you were in the past 2:1,2,3, “were…times past,” – Don’t go back to it! The antidote to this is personal sanctification. 
What We Have in Christ: We are alive in Christ: Transformation (v4-10) 
“But God,” (v4) – Only God could do something in these circumstances 
God & His, “mercy,” (v4), “love” (v4), “grace” (v4,8) 
Notice in this section the 3 words beginning with the Greek prefix of ‘sun’ “συν”: 
v5 – “Quickened together” – linked with His RESURRECTION 
v6 –“Raised up together” – Linked with His ASCENSION 
v6 – “Sit together” – Linked with His SESSION 
Yet what do these 3 great statements all mean for me? I’m very much here on earth! These are great statements of what we refer to as positional truth: “with Christ,” (v5), “in Christ” (v6), “through Christ,” (v7). These are not theoretical nor abstract and certainly not pie-in-the-sky statements of truth! 
These are positional truths; meaning that these truths, these conditions and blessings which we have been brought into we personally do nothing to bring them about. As a consequence of course nothing you do will shake them either! Cf. Salvation John 10:28-29; Ephesians 1:4. These great positional truths are ours because of our ‘position’ in or perhaps better still because of our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. Because we are personally connected the Lord Jesus certain attributes and blessings which rightfully belong to Jesus become ours too! 

“Quickened together” – linked with His RESURRECTION (v5) 
Perhaps we can understand a bit about ‘quickening’. We were once “Dead in trespasses & sins,” but by conversion and by salvation our condition has been radically transformed so that we now are the possessors of new life in Jesus Christ (John chapter 3). 
We can surely recognise the evidences of that new life by: 
• Our Appetite for spiritual food and nourishment, bread to sustain this new life in Christ – Heb5:12; 1Pet2:2. 
• Our Alienation from the world – Gal6:14; we really feel estranged from this world and it’s values, morality (or lack of it) and spirituality. We don’t belong here 
• Desire for the word – 1Pet2:2; a sure evidence of the new Divine nature in a human soul. 
• Fellowship with believers – 1 John 3:14 – a desire given by God; an attraction of like for like! 
• A Delight in the things of Christ – 1 John 2:3 – a phenomenon incomprehensible to a fallen world. 

“Raised up together” – Linked with His ASCENSION (v6) 
Does this refer to a time in the future? (1 Thessalonians 4:17, 2 Timothy 2:12) Note the tenses here however: an aorist tense or point tense, usually in the past. Notice too the timing here: “together with Christ,” associated with what happened to Christ in the past. If verses 1 to 3 tell us what we were in the world then verses 4 to 10 surely tell us what we have in Christ. We now move in a different sphere and belong to a different order. We belong to those “Heavenly places,” places above “the World,” and above “The prince of the power of the air.” We left all of that behind us. We are no longer under the old repressive regime of, the world, the flesh, and the devil. It used to be the case that when Satan said, “jump,” we jumped. We are now marked by: 
1. ELEVATION → Above it all, diff. Sphere/atmosphere 
2. LIBERATION→ Not controlled by the world, flesh, devil. 
• We share in Christ’s victory (1:20-22; 2:2) 
• 1Jo4:4, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” 
• Rom6:18, “Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness” 
• Rom8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” 
• We may of course even as Christians fall or sin, but power is given to resist, when we fall we make a choice. We are now under a new regime and under a new authority. 
God did not “quicken us together with Christ,” simply to bring us back under the same old repressive forces. Brought us into a liberty & freedom. 
Here’s what we have in Christ, we now have the power to: 
• “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,” (Eph4:1) 
• “walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind” (Eph4:17) 

“As living evidences of His kindness, we shall point people, away & beyond ourselves to Him, to whom we owe our salvation.” 
(Stott p82 on verse 7) 

Bible teaching from Paul's letter to the Ephesians chapter 2. A study in the sanctification of the Christian. A message from our systematic bible study in the Ephesian epistle. Join us as we preach and study through the letter to the Ephesians, in this expository verse by verse Bible Teaching series. Yours by Grace in Christ, Dr J Stewart Gillespie.