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1 Timothy chapter 6 - Fight Flight and Getting it Right - Discouragement and Distractions in the Christian Life - JS Gillespie  

Thought of the: 

Unique opportunities of the Christian Life 

Unique potential of the Christian Life 

Unique problems of the Christian Life 

Each Christian life is a unique set of 

Open doors 

There is a huge potential for God in the Christian Life!!! 

Not just for the Billy Grahams of this world! 

We are not restricted in our life for Christ not in our service for God by: 

Duplicating the service of others 

nor by 

Duplicating the life of others 


Ability …

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1 Timothy chapter 6 verses 3 to 6 - The Pursuit of Godliness  

Verse 1: Would it not be better to be free of the yoke? Free to serve as I choose? Free to live as I please? 

Some get irked / burdened and resentful regarding the obligations of service. 

Learning to serve is not a wasted lesson. 

The school of service is not an education wasted. 

The discipline of the yoke leaves it’s mark on the character. 

Take the collar off the dog, the mark can still be seen. 

Nehemiah served Artaxerses, before serving God at Jerusalem 
Joshua was the servant of Moses 
Joseph served…

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Great is the Mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy chp 3 vs 16 - JS Gillespie  

Supreme amongst the 14 biblical mysteries is the greatest biblical mystery of them all:

Great is the mystery of Godliness: 

@ the heart of the universe 

@ the centre of creation 

@ the wellspring of life 

There is mystery 

One of the great tragedies of 20th and 21st Century is that, that mystery has to some degree been obscured, as if all is already explained. 

The sceptical minds of many have managed to convince many that there really is no mystery, that all is explicable, empirical explanations exist…

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