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1 Timothy chp 3 vs 16 - Bible Mysteries and the 37 Trillion Pieces of You - JS Gillespie  

Unravelling the meaning behind the deep mysteries of the Bible

Great is the mystery of Godliness: 

@ the heart of the universe 

@ the centre of creation 

@ the wellspring of life 

There is mystery 

One of the great tragedies of 20th and 21st Century is that, that mystery has to some degree been obscured, as if all is already explained. 

The sceptical minds of many have managed to convince many that there really is no mystery, that all is explicable, empirical explanations exist using the laws of physics and…

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Great is the Mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy chp 3 vs 16 - JS Gillespie  

Supreme amongst the 14 biblical mysteries is the greatest biblical mystery of them all:

Great is the mystery of Godliness: 

@ the heart of the universe 

@ the centre of creation 

@ the wellspring of life 

There is mystery 

One of the great tragedies of 20th and 21st Century is that, that mystery has to some degree been obscured, as if all is already explained. 

The sceptical minds of many have managed to convince many that there really is no mystery, that all is explicable, empirical explanations exist…

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1 Timothy chp 1 vs 5 to 11: Pride Prosperity and Purpose of Law - J Stewart Gillespie  

We saw in 1:5 that the 'telos' of the commandment / charge of: 

  1. Paul to Timothy (1:18) 
  2. Timothy to Ephesians (1:3) 
  3. 1 Timothy to us! 

Was 'love

We considered that 'love' amongst its many descriptions, defies definition as part of the essential nature of God, it is the: 

'together glue of perfectness' (Col 3:14) 

With what / to what / to whom does this love bind us in 1 Tim 1:5? 

We note those conditions from which that love proceeds, 'out of': 

  1. Pure heart 
  2. Good Conscience 
  3. Genuine…
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1 Timothy chp 1 vs 1 - God our Saviour - JS Gillespie  

1 Timothy: 

Chp 1 – Sin and the Law 
Chps 1 +2 – Saviour and Salvation (1:13-16; 2:3-6) 
Chp 3 – Sanctuary (3:16) 
Chp 4 – 6 – Service 

Secret and sacred service of the sanctuary includes:

  1. Spirit (4:1) 
  2. Prayer (4:5) 
  3. Word of God (4:6, 11ff) 

Spiritual service 
Secular service 

After Paul's standard introduction: 

From Paul 
to Timothy 
Greeting (v2) 

he progresses quickly into the: 

body of the epistle and the 
burden of his heart 

Pastoral epistles – a phrase coined by D N Berdot (1703) and Paul Anton…

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