Viewing: Babylon - View all posts

The Day after Armageddon - Why God Destroyed the World - Revelation chapter 19 and 1 Kings chapter 21 - Dr J Stewart Gillespie  

The Day after Armageddon - Why God Destroyed the World - Revelation chapter 19 and 1 Kings chapter 21 - Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah - The Final 4 Alleluias before Forever - Revelation 19  

A study of Revelation chapter 19 and the alleluia chorus of heaven, the final four alleluias of the Bible, from heaven as Babylon falls. Dr J Stewart Gillespie Systematic studies in Revelation

Revelation chapter 18 - Babylon and It's Deep Dark Depraved Secret - JS Gillespie  

Explaining the mystery and meaning of Babylon in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. What is Babylon? When will Babylon appear? What will the mystery Babylon be like? In this bible study we examine the spirit of Babylon, the system of Babylon and the secret of Babylon. Practically we see the need for separation and Holiness from the corruption of the world's systems. Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Revelation chp 17 - Babylon - The Satanic Kingdom of Tomorrow - JS Gillespie  


Revelation chapter 17 and the prophetic future of Babylon, what it is and who it is controlled by and the challenges presented by Babylon today. From our systematic series of bible teaching messages in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 17 - Babylon and the Beast the World Sleep Walking into Catastrophe - JS Gillespie  

The world looks on and wonders, surprised at the residence and presidence of the demonic beast's take over of Babylon. The most surprising aspect of Revelation 17 is that the world is surprised! Having fashioned a world system of atheism, humanism, hedonism and materialism nothing could be more predictable than that system would become a perfect habitation for the demonic. Anyone surely could predict this, except the world itself! Satan had mankind fashion his anti-church, his anti-kingdom on his behalf. Here was a place of safety, security, and salvation (17:4). Babylon offered everything a soul could wish for! Here was a false saviour and a false salvation! Here was Satan's master piece, the work of millenia! The angel (17:1) pauses from his busy schedule to emphasise to John that whilst the wheels of Divine justice may well turn slow, they turn certain and sure. There is nothing more certain than Divine justice played out in time and in eternity. Dr J Stewart Gillespie,

Revelation chp 17 - Babylon - The Dimensions of a Dream - JS Gillespie  

We continue our series of systematic studies through the book of Revelation, arriving at Revelation chapters 17 and 18 and teh subject of the mystery of Babylon the Great, the mother of Harlots. The subject of Babylon is as significant as it is controversial. Babylon in many ways sits uncomfortably in such a sacred part of the closing book of the Bible, in a letter prefaced as being none other than the 'Revelation of Jesus Christ' and yet in this very book 2 out of 22 chapters are dedicated to the subject of mystical Babylon! Babylon is in a sense present here so that it may be removed! The Divine object and that of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 vials is the complete destruction and removal of this cancerous monstrosity from the Divine Creation! One day Babylon will be no more!

Babylon was conceived as the dimensions of a Satanic Dream in Isaiah chapter 14. It was a means to an end. That end was domination, placing Satan as the object of worship and the power behind the thrones of men. He could not claim the throne of the Most High any longer, but as the god of this world he would do all that he could to bring it down with him!

In Genesis chapter 11 we saw Babylon as a Building

In Daniel chapters 2 and 3 we see Babylon as a Body

In Revelation chapters 17 and 18 we perceive Babylon as corrupted Bride

This is Satan's antichurch, anti kingdom, standing in opposition to Christ.


Revelation chapter 14 vs 6 to 13 - The Everlasting Gospel of the Mid Heavens - JS Gillespie  


Take a step down from the mid heaven of the lamb and the 144,000 gives a completely different view of the future, not for the redeemed but for those marked for judgement. The middle section of chapter 14 is a story of missed opportunities, misstaken allegiences and men marked for judgement. The everlasting gospel is declared, but symbolically out of reach of those upon the earth. This is a gospel declared in the mid heaven, a gospel of conviction but with no conversion of fear but no faith. Dissolving before the eyes of men is the delusion of safety in the crowd. There is no longer comfort and security in the demonically inspired Babylon, the world and it's systems have fallen, fallen and with it all who took shelter in it. A bible teaching message preached as part of our systematic series of studies in the book of Revelation - Dr J Stewart Gillespie, Bridgend Gospel Hall, New Cumnock.