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The Key that Unlocks Chaos - Revelation chapter 5 - J Stewart Gillespie 

What is going on in the world?

Why does everything seem so out of control?

Can God be in control over so much apparent chaos? 

Can God even exist when the innocent suffer and natural disasters strike that seem to be the fault of no one?

Where do we start to find God? 

In Revelation chapter 5, before John unfolds the story of tragedy after turmoil, after natural disaster John brings us to the book in the hand of God. We begin with the certainties of the Divine plan and purpose before we grapple with the apparent chaos of a world thrown head long into destruction. It is when we begin with the certainties of the Bible that we are drawn to the inescapable conclusion that there is both a God and a plan for this world. It is within the pages of this ancient book that century after century God reveals Himself to prophets, priests and kings and finally in history in His Son Jesus Christ. Down through the pages of ancient prophecy we can trace the anticipation of the coming Messiah for generations prior to His advent. Micah tells us the place of His birth; "Bethlehem"; Isaiah speaks of the means of His birth; "a virgin will conceive and bring forth a Son"; David speaks of His crucifixion and death in Psalm 22; His resurrection in Psalm 22 and Isaiah will lay out God's plan of salvation in Isaiah 53; by personal, individual faith in God's Son , who is the lamb of God led to the slaughter as a sacrifice for sin; my sin and yours. 

Yours by Grace in Christ 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Listen for the Voice of God in the Catastrophe of Life - JS Gillespie 

Revelation chapter 5 is the detonator for global catastrophe and judgment with all of the war, suffering, sorrow and pain that involves. Such an outpouring if God's wrath could only happen when humanity is in active rebellion against their creator. To see all of the pain and sorrow merely as a passive consequence of human disobedience is to miss the bigger picture and deeper mystery of the book of Revelation. God is bigger than we imagine and more in control than we could ever anticipate. Whilst God pours out His judgement upon a world that rejects Him, that crucified His Son and persecuted His people, in all of that sorrow and suffering God is working out His own purpose. His goal is an end to the corruption and mess of a fallen world and the ushering in of a new heaven and new earth. Grief is but the stepping stone to Glory. In the storm there is a peace to be found in the Christ who walks on the waves, at the grave there is a glory to be seen in the hope of resurrection through the grief of the present moment. Look for the hand of God, the purpose of the problem and the plan of an all powerful and sovereign God in every experience of life. 

Yours by Grace in Christ 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie