Viewing: Acts 9 - View all posts

Wishing you A Happy New Life 

When God hits you with total, radical, transformation it can be as powerful as it is unexpected. Saul in Acts 9 was a man who thought he had it all figured out in life. He knew what life was about, what he was about and where exactly he was heading; in varying degrees of up, up, up. In reality Saul neither knew himself, nor the God he claimed to serve and was utterly clueless as to the ultimate purpose of his life, mind you that was understandable, since the purpose God had for Him was utterly unbelievable! 

Saul's life changing moment came from the sky, bright and dramatic. His life wasn't to be changed by the experience but by the God of the experience. In answer to Saul's question; "who are you Lord?" came the response from heaven; "I am Jesus whom you persecute." Like a spoiled, self willed child Saul had been prodded by God for some time, and like the spiritual child he was he did nothing but kick against those prods, redirecting his frustration with himself and God to God's people; the Christians. He too now encountered the Jesus of heaven and his life was transformed from fear to faith, from persecution to preaching Christ. By whatever means you find Christ; let us make sure that this year we enjoy just that; the joy of finding Christ.