Problems bigger than I realise. A Saviour greater than I can imagine - Mark chapter 5 - JS Gillespie 


The man of the Gadarenes, the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus on behalf of his daughter, all came to Jesus in Mark chapter 5 with big problems. Their real problems were even bigger than they had imagined. The man of the Gadarenes was not only disturbed but demon possessed and more than that possessed by multiple demons! Jairus daughter was sick but he didn't realise just how sick. By the time he reached Jesus his daughter was dead. Faith laid hold of a Saviour greater than their problems! Here is a Saviour able to deal not only with the symptoms of a fallen humanity but with the root cause and core; sin and the fallen heart. He alone is able to forgive sin, regenerate with new life and free from Satan and evil. 

Mark chapter 5 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie