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Problems bigger than I realise. A Saviour greater than I can imagine - Mark chapter 5 - JS Gillespie  


The man of the Gadarenes, the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus on behalf of his daughter, all came to Jesus in Mark chapter 5 with big problems. Their real problems were even bigger than they had imagined. The man of the Gadarenes was not only disturbed but demon possessed and more than that possessed by multiple demons! Jairus daughter was sick but he didn't realise just how sick. By the time he reached Jesus his daughter was dead. Faith laid hold of a Saviour greater than their problems! Here is a Saviour able to deal not only with the symptoms of a fallen humanity but with the root cause and core; sin and the fallen heart. He alone is able to forgive sin, regenerate with new life and free from Satan and evil. 

Mark chapter 5 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie

A Soul worth Saving - Mark chapter 7 - JS Gillespie  


Mark chapter 7 verses 24 to 30 record the encounter if a Syrophencian woman with the Lord Jesus at the border of Tyre and Sidon. This woman grasps the opportunity to meet Christ, an opportunity which was quickly to pass. Like blind Bartimaeus, the two blind men at Jericho, Zacchaeus, the woman with the issue of blood and the blind man at the temple in John chpater 9, the passing Jesus of Nazareth was an opportunity to encounter God and find salvation, a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed. In humility she comes to Jesus on behalf of her demon possessed daughter seeking just a few crumbs from the masters table. This woman appreciated that it was not her great grasp of a small God that would save and deliver but rather her small, weak grasp of a great God. God does the saving we come in faith. 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie 

A gospel message preached at Bridgend Gospel Hall New Cumnock Scotland

God's Great Invitation - Matthew chapter 22 - Iain Jamieson  

Matthew chapter 22 describes God's Great Invitation still open to you and I today. We see also the consequences of rejecting that invitation. Upon our response to that invitation hangs our destiny, heaven or hell, to be saved or to be lost. 

Iain Jamieson at Bridgend Gospel Hall New Cumnock

Sowing many Seeds seeking one Soul, Parable of the Sower and Seeds - Mark chapter 4 - J S Gillespie  

The parable of the sower and the seeds from Mark chapter 4. The 4 types of ground upon which the seed of the gospel falls are explained in this parable of the Lord Jesus. We note in the parable the person of Jesus Christ, the message of Sin and Salvation and the spiritual battle which we all face especially when a soul comes into contact with the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr J Stewart Gillespie

The Boldest Page Turn in History - Mark chapter 1 - The healing of the Leper  

Mark chapter 1 and the healing of the leper by Jesus Christ. A reflection of teh miracle of Jesus Christ adn the laws of leprosy in Leviticus chapters 13 and 14, with reference to the Messianic miracles of Jesus. Dr J Stewart Gillespie

Do you not Fear God? Life's Ultimate and Final Question - Robert Gray  

The thief on the cross of Luke chapter 23 leaves us with life's ultimate question ringing in our ear; 'do you not fear God?' Here is lifes final and ultimate question which we all must answer. Are we ready to meet God? Robert Gray, Bridgend Gospel Hall, New Cumnock.

What have you got to be so happy about? Revelation 5 - JS Gillespie  

The joy of believers in the presence of the Lamb seated upon the throne of heaven in Revelation chapter 5 contrasts with the disappointment, despair, death and loss of those who pursue the world with its passing atheism, materialism and hedonism. We cannot have both heaven and earth as our part and portion, a wise man will chose that which lasts the longest (Jim Elliot) - J Stewart Gillespie

You can Predict your Future - Revelation 17 - JS Gillespie  

Often times it is claimed that it's just as well we don't know what lies ahead of us, the book of Revelation tells us that what lies ahead is eminently predictable. Satan is true to form. He is the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) and steal, kill and destroy is exactly what he will do. His goal is to steal any last vestige of hope which uniquely is found in a person; the person of Christ, joy originating in the Lord, and life, the gift of God by faith in the crucified Jesus. Now is the time to prepare. Hope, joy and life are the glorious products of the new life which flows from a living relationship with Jesus. Dr J Stewart Gillespie, from Revelation 17.

Revelation 17 Babylon - Destiny and Disaster - 4 Steps to Hell - JS Gillespie  

Revelation chapter 17 verses 1 to 4 considering who is Babylon and what is babylon? We consider babylon and her techniques of distraction and deceipt, the offer of 'all this will I give you' with promises she is unable to deliver on. Dr J Stewart Gillespie from the Bridgend Gospel Hall New Cumnock