From the recording Galatians

Galatians chapter 1 verses 6 to 10 - The Defence of the Gospel - Dr J Stewart Gillespie
Bible study notes and audio recording
Praise that’s Absent (1:6-10) 
People that Stray(1:6) 
A Gospel that’s Changed (1:6-7) 
Teachers that Trouble (1:8-9) 
A Purpose that’s Pure (1:10) 

Praise that’s Absent (1:6-10) 

 After the introduction in every Pauline epistle, Paul would turn to commendation & praise, for: 

Our reputation/testimony (Rom1:8) 
Our knowledge of spiritual things (1Co1:4,5) 
Us personally (Eph1:16) 
Our Giving (Phil1:3-5) 
Our spiritual progress (Phil1:6) 
Our spirituality: faith, love & hope (Col1:3-5) 
Our evangelical effort/fervour (1Thess1:3,8) 
Our progress in faith & love (2Thess1:3) 

 So after the introduction in Galatians let’s have a look for what Paul finds to commend: Nothing!! Almost as if Paul had gone down the above check list, looked for things in the assembly he could commend and has found nothing to commend! How would we fare? 

Our reputation/testimony (Rom1:8) – They certainly talk about us! 
Our knowledge of spiritual things (1Co1:5) 
Us personally (Eph1:16) – Do we bring delight or despair! 
Our Giving (Phil1:5) – The shakings of the poke? 
Our spiritual progress (Phil1:6) – Need to take the handbrake off? 
Our spirituality (Col1:3-5) – Spiritual giant or spiritual pygmy? 
Our evangelical effort/fervour (1Thess1:8) – In need of resuscitation? 
Our progress in faith & love (2Thess1:3) – Lost the plot and lost the passion? 

 What would Paul have to say to me if he wrote me a letter. He would certainly send a greeting; he always does, but what about commendation? 

 Purely theoretical? Paul won’t send any letter! Maybe not but, “we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ.” (Rom14:10). 

 Little commendation here but plenty of condemnation! 

People that Stray(1:6) 

 Had already noted that they had strayed away from the gospel doctrinally, but something new here: v6 doesn’t say they’ve strayed from a doctrine – bad enough but from a person, “removed from Him.” 

 Have already noted the doctrinal problem at Galatia: adding to gospel. 

 Learn here that: Doctrine – What we believe concerning Christ, affects: Relationship – What we have with Christ, “ye are so soon removed from Him…” Believing the wrong things about Christ affects our relationship with Christ. 

 We cannot claim a closeness to Christ personally & yet be muddled concerning Christ doctrinally. 

 One of the basic NT term for our relationship with Christ is “knowledge” (Phil3:10; Eph3:18,19). A right appreciation of Christ is needed. 

 “We all love the Lord Jesus so everything is alright & the doctrine doesn’t really matter” may well sound very pious & compassionate, but it is utter nonsense: 2Tim1:12; Jo4:22. 

 Right relationship finds its basis in a right appreciation of Christ. 

 Hence, at Galatia; corrupt the gospel – destroy the relationship. 

 There was one small glimmer of hope for the Galatians, it is hidden in a bad translation of v6: “ye are so soon removed,” is really a present indicative; “ye are so quickly removing,” (Ridderbos). “The only ray of hope is that they were still only in the process of deserting & could possibly be reclaimed.” (JM Boice) 

 They hadn’t completely been convinced that it was alright to add to the gospel and believe in Christ AND good works generally or religious observances particularly or circumcision specifically. 

 “removed” can have a military meaning “deserted” – the desertion is all the more painful because it is the desertion of a PERSON & not a PLACE. 

A Gospel that’s Changed (1:6-7) 

 Note the two “anothers”: v6 – “hetero"” – another of a different kind, v7 – “allo"” – another of the same kind. 

 This ‘gospel’ is another of a different kind, no gospel at all, no power to save (5:1-4). We cannot add to the person & work of Christ & still have a gospel which has the power to save (Gal2:21). 

 Notice wherever God has any ‘true’ thing Satan has His counterfeit: 

Counterfeit Gods: Calf of Exodus, Baal, Ashtaroth, Diana, Artemis. 
Counterfeit Disciples: Judas Iscariot, Simon (Acts8) 
Counterfeit Temple: Mt. Gerizim (Jo4) 
Counterfeit Miracles: Pharaoh’s court, Jannes & Jambres 
Counterfeit Christ: The Antichrist 
Counterfeit Prophets: 1Kings18. 

 We note that going along with this counterfeit gospel is a curse (v8,9) rather than a blessing (3:14). 

 Sometimes once we’ve been on the Christian pathway for a while we become open to novelties, something different (Heb13:7,9). 

 ‘If it’s new it’s not true & if it’s true it’s not new’ 

Teachers that Trouble (1:8-9) 

“To tamper with the gospel is to trouble the church…the church’s greatest trouble makers (now as then) are not those outside who oppose, ridicule & persecute it, but those inside who try to change the gospel…” (Stott). 

 The message is more important than the messenger. 

 Must have the discernment to look behind personalities, even those we love & respect & examine their teaching according to the word of God, Cf. the Bereans (Acts17:10-11). 

 Notice Paul’s willingness to curse: “anathema” when the gospel was under threat. He knew that if anything was added to the gospel there was no salvation for anyone, (1Co1:18,23-24; Gal2:16; 3:1-5;Rom1:16) 

 The Galatians were in a bad way, before they could make any progress the dead wood had to be cleared out, the false teachers had to be removed. For them the way forwards was the way back! 

 Notice that a willingness to compromise the truth is no sign of superior spirituality & love. True love for Christ will fight for all the truth which belongs to His person & work, cf. Shammah (2Sam23:11) defending the field of lentils against the Philistines, it was the King’s, it was the Lord’s, therefore it was precious! 

“Denunciation of error is an index of devotion to the truth. He who cannot curse cannot bless, either. Only the person who has a firm grasp of the truth can discern what is erroneous.” 

A Purpose that’s Pure (1:10) 

 Would seem that some slandered Paul with the accusation that his gospel was the ‘easy’ option, didn’t involve any law keeping, & that he preached it to please men & win them over to something easy. 

 Coincidental proof that we preach the same message as Paul, we get the same thing hurled at us! 

 Paul has just pronounced “anathema” on those who disagree with him. 

 Is he now currying favour & trying to please men? 

 Paul is the “doulo"”: servant/slave of Christ. This precludes pleasing men, his will is given over to the service of Christ. 

 Sometimes to please & serve Christ we offend men! Do bear that in mind when you listen to the ministry! 

 The ministry which I have profited from most over the years is the ministry which has most offended me!

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Yours by Grace in Christ 

Dr J Stewart Gillespie